Friday, December 21, 2012

Whoa! It’s been a tough year - climatically, socially, geo-politically, economically. And what’s with silicon? Sandy Hook, Hurricane Sandy, Sandusky – to hell with not going back in the water – makes me want to stay off the beach. Gratuitous flippancy aside, these are tropes are for the many ways our society seems to be in trouble. The Mayans probably didn’t get it right, the world won’t end today, but sometimes it sure feels like that’s the trend. 

In counterpoint to all this gloom is a guy I met this year – call him Jeff. Jeff’s been out of work for a good while, surprising in itself since he’s a Swiss Army knife of marketing talents. One of his former co-workers sent Jeff a check to help him through the rough times. Jeff was overwhelmed by this unsolicited kindness and decided to pay it forward. The method he came upon was to help one other person find a job. Following a screening process, Jeff selected a young woman who was not the easiest placement and certainly could use assistance. For nine months, Jeff helped his beneficiary with her search. Just last month, she landed a plum job. And while Jeff still hasn’t found the job of his dreams, his life has been richer and happier for his deliberate act of kindness. And not only his life – certainly his protégé is profoundly changed for the better – and so am I and everyone who knows Jeff’s story – now including you. 

So here’s the bottom line. Even though we’re smack in the middle of the holiday season, I’m not going to extend the usual wishes of Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Season’s Greetings and all the other platitudes. Instead, I’m sending you an invitation … to act – find a way to make a specific, positive difference in just one other person’s life. Be a bright light in the gloom and in the process make all the good wishes come true.  

All the best, 

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